Estimating Nitrogen Fertilization Levels Based on the Spectral Reflectance of Rice Leaves Using a Random Forest Classification Model
랜덤포레스트 분류 모델 기반 벼 잎 분광반사율을 이용한 질소 시비량 추정 연구
Dongwon Kwon, Heojeong Jeong, Wan-Gyu Sang, Sungyul Chang, Woo-jin Im, Hyeock-jin Bak, Ji-hyeon Lee, Unha Hwang, Jung-Il Cho
권동원, 정회정, 상완규, 장성율, 임우진, 박혁진, 이지현, 황운하, 조정일
- Although nitrogen is essential for chlorophyll production and crop growth, the excessive use of nitrogen-based fertilizers is a source of environmental concern. …
- Although nitrogen is essential for chlorophyll production and crop growth, the excessive use of nitrogen-based fertilizers is a source of environmental concern. In this study, we sought to assess the optimal levels of nitrogen fertilization for the cultivation of rice based on based on measurements of leaf spectral reflectance and the use of a random forest classification model. On the basis of the standard fertilization rate, we applied four levels of nitrogen fertilization (0%, 50%, 100%, and 200%) and measured plant height, tiller number, SPAD values, chlorophyll concentrations, and spectral reflectance of rice leaves at different stages of growth. With an increase in rate of nitrogen fertilization, we recorded increases in plant height, the number of tillers, SPAD values, and leaf chlorophyll concentrations. In contrast, we recorded reductions in the spectral reflectance of leaves in the 550 and 710 nm wavelength regions in response to an increase nitrogen fertilization. On the basis of these findings, wavelengths highly correlated with nitrogen fertilization levels were extracted using a PSL model and used as input variables for constructing a random forest classification model. The performance of the model was found to vary throughout the growth period, with a classification accuracy ranging from 76.2% to 91.2%. We speculate that this variability in classification accuracy can be attributed to the timing of nitrogen fertilization, which determines nitrogen availability, and contributes to changes in chlorophyll levels during the heading and mature stages of growth. Thus, nitrogen fertilization levels can effectively be assessed using spectral reflectance in the late growth stages, during which the changes in chlorophyll concentrations are more pronounced. In the future, we will investigate whether obtaining sufficient spectral reflectance data for different treatment at specific growth stages of growth can contribute to enhancing the accuracy of the model developed herein, thereby enabling a more precise classification of nitrogen fertilization levels at the different stages of rice growth. - COLLAPSE
Estimating Nitrogen Fertilization Levels Based on the Spectral Reflectance of Rice Leaves Using a Random Forest Classification Model
- Dual Nature of Paddy Field Lodging: A Unmanned Aerial Vehicle -Based Perspective
- Gyujin Jang, Nak Jung Choi, Junxiang WEN, E. M. B. M. Karunathilake, Yong Suk Chung, Hak-Jin Kim
- Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a vital global staple crop; however, its productivity is often hindered by lodging, which significantly affects …
- Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a vital global staple crop; however, its productivity is often hindered by lodging, which significantly affects grain yield and quality. Lodging can result from both abiotic (e.g., environmental conditions) and biotic (e.g., pests and diseases) factors, complicating its assessment. Remote sensing technology, particularly Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery, offers a promising method for monitoring lodging; however, distinguishing between the listed causes is a persistent challenge. This study aimed to establish parameters for detecting lodging using UAV-captured images, with a focus on lodging caused by brown hoppers. Our results showed that specific vegetation indices (VIs) could effectively differentiate between abiotic- and biotic-induced lodging. Unlike biotic lodging, abiotic lodging exhibited a skewness greater than 1 in the distribution of VIs within the lodging areas, enabling distinguishing between abiotic and biotic lodging. These findings have the potential to enhance smart agricultural management systems, enabling highly targeted interventions to improve rice yield and resilience. These insights could further advance precision agriculture in rice production, making it more efficient and sustainable. - COLLAPSE
Correlation Analysis between Leaf-Stomata Traits and Photosynthesis according to Different Rice Varieties and Nitrogen Levels
벼 품종 및 질소 시비 수준에 따른 잎-기공 형질과 광합성 특성 간의 상관관계 분석
Ye-Ji Lee, Woonho Yang, Weon Tai Jeon, Mi-Jin Chae, Myeong-Na Shin, Dae-Woo Lee
이예지, 양운호, 전원태, 채미진, 신명나, 이대우
- Photosynthesis and stomata conductance are highly correlated in rice; however, studies on additional stomata factors have also been reported. Rice growth and …
- Photosynthesis and stomata conductance are highly correlated in rice; however, studies on additional stomata factors have also been reported. Rice growth and development can be influenced by nitrogen levels (N) and various environmental factors. This study was conducted to analyze the correlation between leaf-stomata characteristics and photosynthesis under rice varieties (V) and different N levels. Ten leaf-stomata traits, including stomata conductance (SC), CO2 concentration (CO2), transpiration rate (TR), plant height (PH), leaf width (LW), leaf length (LL), stomata number (SN), stomata distance (SD), stomata width (SW) and stomata length (SL) were examined to understand their impact on photosynthesis rate (PR). Significant differences were found in the PH between V and N, but there were no differences in both LW and LL. The SN showed differences between V, but few differences in N. In correlation analysis, PR had the highest correlation with TR, followed by CO2, LW and SC. Photosynthesis traits showed a relatively high correlation with LW, but a low correlation with SN. Therefore, as the LW increased, PR could be increased, but SN was not significantly affected. These findings are expected to serve as basic data to understand the relationship between leaf-stomata traits and photosynthesis in rice plants under different N levels. - COLLAPSE
Correlation Analysis between Leaf-Stomata Traits and Photosynthesis according to Different Rice Varieties and Nitrogen Levels
Effects of Pre-Harvest Sprouting on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of ‘Baromi2’
‘바로미2’의 수발아 발생이 종자의 발아 및 어린모 생육에 미치는 영향
Jaekyeong Baek, Seoyoung Yang, Ji-Hyeon Mun, Hyeon-Seok Lee, Yeong-Seo Song, Ju-Hee Kim, So-Hye Cho, Jiyoung Shon
백재경, 양서영, 문지현, 이현석, 송영서, 김주희, 조소혜, 손지영
- Owing to its rapid water absorption rate, rice variety ‘Baromi2’ is sensitive to pre-harvest sprouting(PHS), especially when the grain is exposed to …
- Owing to its rapid water absorption rate, rice variety ‘Baromi2’ is sensitive to pre-harvest sprouting(PHS), especially when the grain is exposed to prolonged rainfall or high humidity. Aside from causing a reduction in both grain yield and quality, PHS also affects the germination rate, making utilization of the seed difficult. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the effects of the PHS damage rate and seed disinfection method on seed germination and seedling growth. Seed viability decreased with increase in PHS, being lower than 70% when PHS was above 7%. Moreover, the germination rate decreased under hot water and hot water + pesticide disinfection, decreasing to 85% or less when the PHS or immature grain rate was 7% or higher. These results suggest that when the percentage of PHS or immature grains is more than 7%, hot water disinfection may adversely affect seed germination and seedling growth, indicating the need for careful seedling management. - COLLAPSE
Effects of Pre-Harvest Sprouting on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of ‘Baromi2’
The Effect of Molybdenum Treatment on Pre-harvest Sprouting in Rice
몰리브덴 처리가 벼 수발아에 미치는 영향
Young-Seo Song, Woon-Ha Hwang, Seo-Young Yang, Hyeon-Seok Lee, Jae-Kyeong Baek, Ju-Hee Kim, Young-A Oh, Jung-Il Cho, Nam-Jin Chung, Ji-Young Shon
송영서, 황운하, 양서영, 이현석, 백재경, 김주희, 오영아, 조정일, 정남진, 손지영
- Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in rice is an important factor that not only reduces yield but also deteriorates grain quality. PHS is closely …
- Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in rice is an important factor that not only reduces yield but also deteriorates grain quality. PHS is closely related to seed dormancy, with abscisic acid (ABA) known to inhibit PHS. Molybdenum, a cofactor in ABA biosynthesis, has been reported to reduce PHS in crops such as maize and wheat. This study aimed to determine the effects of molybdenum on reducing PHS in rice and to develop related molybdenum fertilizer application techniques. To investigate the optimal timing of molybdenum application, molybdenum at 500 and 1,000 ppm per pot was foliar-applied at 15 and 20 days before and after heading, respectively. The results indicated that application at 15 days before heading was more effective in reducing PHS rates than after heading. In a pot experiment, molybdate was mixed with NPK fertilizer to form a granular mixture, which was applied 15days before heading. The treatment with 42 g of molybdenum per 10a reduced the PHS rate by 17.4% in Baromi2 and by 10.8% in Sindongjin compared to the control. In the field experiment, in which molybdate fertilizer were applied at 25 days before heading in Baromi2, treatment with 11g and 21 g of MoO42- per 10a reduced the PHS rate by 23.9% and 20.1% , respectively, compared to the untreated control. Analysis of gene expression related to ABA metabolism in seeds and leaves after molybdenum treatement revealed that in Baromi 2, the expression of genes involved in ABA biosynthesis (OsNCED and OsAO3) as well as degradation (OsCYP707A1) increased. By contrast, Shindongin exhibited a different pattern compared to Baromi 2, suggesting that the metabolism of molybdenum may vary between varieties. In summary, the results of this study suggest that molybdenum application before heading effectively reduced PHS in rice. However, further studies are needed to better understand the underlying physiological mechanisms and strengthen these findings. - COLLAPSE
The Effect of Molybdenum Treatment on Pre-harvest Sprouting in Rice
Redefining Seedling Raising Methods for Adjusted Optimal Transplanting Dates of Rice in Response to Recent Climatic Conditions in the Mid-Plain Area of Korea
중부평야지에서 벼 이앙적기 변동에 적합한 육묘방법 재설정 연구
Dae-Woo Lee, Woonho Yang, Shingu Kang, Mi-Jin Chae, Myeong-Na Shin, Ye-Ji Lee
이대우, 양운호, 강신구, 채미진, 신명나, 이예지
- Due to global warming, rice, a staple crop, is expected to face challenges in Korea's changing temperature conditions. Delaying the transplanting date …
- Due to global warming, rice, a staple crop, is expected to face challenges in Korea's changing temperature conditions. Delaying the transplanting date has been studied as a solution to mitigate the negative impacts of rising temperatures. This study aims to reestablish an optimal seedling raising method, including adjusting seedling raising days and non-woven fabric mulching periods, to suit changing climatic conditions in the central plain regions of Korea. The results before and after transplanting showed that in all treatment conditions, root and mat formation were insufficient during the 15-day seedling raising period. Shoot length, leaf number, and dry weight generally increased with longer seedling and mulching periods, while healthy seedling score was higher in the non-mulched treatment. Additionally, there was no significant effect of specific seedling raising and mulching treatments on the heading date. Finally, the most suitable seedling period was determined to be 20 days without non-woven fabric mulching, which will help in redefining seedling raising methods for adjusted the optimal transplanting time of rice under changing conditions. - COLLAPSE
Redefining Seedling Raising Methods for Adjusted Optimal Transplanting Dates of Rice in Response to Recent Climatic Conditions in the Mid-Plain Area of Korea
Growth Responses of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Irrigation Water Salinity Levels in Saemangeum Reclaimed Land
새만금간척지에서 관개수 염농도에 따른 땅콩 품종별 생육 반응
Hee-Kyoung Ock, Kwang Seung Lee, Hak-Seong Lee, Young-Tae Shin, Yang-Yeol Oh, Kang-Ho Jung, Bang-Hun Kang, Tae-Hwan Jun
옥희경, 이광승, 이학성, 신영태, 오양열, 정강호, 강방훈, 전태환
- Reclaimed land with high soil salt concentrations is limited to crop growth due to salt stress. Therefore, for stable cultivation of field …
- Reclaimed land with high soil salt concentrations is limited to crop growth due to salt stress. Therefore, for stable cultivation of field crops in reclaimed land, salt tolerance evaluation is necessary to identify the threshold salinity of soil at which the crops can be grown and to select suitable varieties. In the present study, six of peanut were sown in the greenhouse to evaluate the salt tolerance of peanut and to compare the response of growth and yield characteristics of different by different levels of irrigation water salinity. Three levels of salinity were applied to the irrigation water: 0% (control), 0.1% and 0.2% NaCl to investigate the growth characteristics of peanut. The results of the analysis of peanut yield components showed that irrigation water salinity was negatively correlated with yield (R=-0.90). Among the six peanut , the T273 showed the highest drymass, which was more than twice that of the other , and it was 76.8% and 76.2% at NaCl 0.1% and 0.2%, respectively, compared to the control. Peanut yield of T273 showed the highest value in the control, but it did not differ from the other at 0.1% and 0.2% NaCl, and was very sensitive to the increase in salt concentration, decreasing to 16.9% and 3.3% of the control, respectively. As a result, T273, which was the best among the six in terms of drymass and yield in the control with an irrigation water salinity of 0% NaCl, is considered to be a suitable cultivar under the salinity level of EC 2.5 dS m-1, which is the salinity level of the reclaimed soil salinity control. - COLLAPSE
Growth Responses of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Irrigation Water Salinity Levels in Saemangeum Reclaimed Land
Estimation of Wheat Protein Content and Yield under Different Nitrogen Fertilization through UAV-based Vegetation Index
UAV기반 식생지수 활용을 통한 질소비료처리에 따른 밀 단백질 함량 및 수확량 추정
Hyun-Jin Jung, Dasom Jeon, Kyung-Do Lee, Jae-Hyun Ryu, Ho-Yong Ahn, Young-ah Jeon, Sook-gyeong Kim, Han-Yong Jeong
정현진, 전다솜, 이경도, 류재현, 안호용, 전영아, 김숙경, 정한용
- Remote Sensing utilizes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as drones, to observe and evaluate the condition and growth environment of crops through …
- Remote Sensing utilizes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as drones, to observe and evaluate the condition and growth environment of crops through close monitoring during low-altitude flights in agriculture. This study was conducted to estimate the wheat yield and protein content of hard wheat varieties in Korea by analyzing the correlation between the yield and protein content of each treatment plot and the following UAV image-based vegetation indices : Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Ratio Vegetation Index, Green Ratio Vegetation Index, and Normalized Difference Red Edge (NDRE). Among UAV image-based vegetation indices, the NDRE at the ripening stage showed a correlation coefficient of 0.71–0.86 with the protein content, although there was no relationship between wheat yield and vegetation indices. Based on these results, a distribution map of the wheat protein content was generated. Using UAV-based vegetation indices to estimate protein content and produce spatial distribution information can improve wheat quality and assist in decision-making in agricultural fields. - COLLAPSE
Estimation of Wheat Protein Content and Yield under Different Nitrogen Fertilization through UAV-based Vegetation Index
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization at Heading Stage on Yield and Quality of Domestic Bread Wheat Cultivars
출수기 전후 질소시비가 빵 밀 품종의 수량과 품질에 미치는 영향
Han-Yong Jeong, Chuloh Cho, Jinhee Park, Go Eun Lee, Yurim Kim, Chon-Sik Kang, Sookjin Kim, Ki-Chang Jang, Myoung Hui Lee
정한용, 조철오, 박진희, 이고은, 김유림, 강천식, 김숙진, 장기창, 이명희
- Nitrogen (N) fertilizer application increases protein concentration during the late stages of wheat growth. However, research on the timing and amount of …
- Nitrogen (N) fertilizer application increases protein concentration during the late stages of wheat growth. However, research on the timing and amount of N fertilizer application and their effects on flour quality in domestic cultivars for baking is limited. This study aimed to compare the yield and flour quality of domestic wheat cultivars Jokyoung and Baekkang, for baking based on the timing and amount of N fertilizer application. To determine the optimal timing of N fertilizer application at the heading stage, 3 kg/10a of N fertilizer was applied at one-week intervals between 14 days before and after heading. The timing of N fertilizer application did not influence spike number, grain number per spike, test weight, and yield; however, thousand-grain weight and gluten content were highest at seven days after heading (DAH). Subsequently, the yield and quality were evaluated based on the application of N fertilizer at 0, 3, 6, and 9 kg/10a at seven DAH. Increasing N fertilizer application at seven DAH led to an increase in protein content and gluten content. SDS-sedimentation values and loaf volume increased up to 6 kg/10a and then either decreased or remained constant. Dough development time decreased depending on the N application amount. Additionally, firmness decreased with higher N application levels. Significant differences were observed in glutenin and gliadin protein fractions based on amount of N application at seven DAH for both cultivars. Increased nitrogen fertilization led to a decrease in the proportion of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) and an increase in low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS), resulting in a decrease in the HMW/LMW-GS ratio. Additionally, gliadin composition changed with increased nitrogen fertilization, as the proportion of (α+β)-gliadin and ω-gliadin increased while the proportion of γ-gliadin tended to decrease. The evaluation of N fertilizer application timing and amount in this study is expected to be useful for N fertilization practices in these two domestic wheat cultivars for baking. - COLLAPSE
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization at Heading Stage on Yield and Quality of Domestic Bread Wheat Cultivars
Changes in the Agronomic Traits of Wheat in Response to Climate Change in South Korea
국내 기후변화에 따른 밀 농업형질 변화 분석
Yurim Kim, Han-yong Jeong, Chuloh Cho, Yurim Kim, Suk-Jin Kim, Chon-Sik Kang, Ki-Chang Jang, Dea-Wook Kim, Arum Han, Hyeonjin Park, Jong Tae Lee, Hyeon-Jeong Sim, Jin-Kook Choi, Myoung-Goo Choi
김유림, 정한용, 조철오, 김유림, 김숙진, 강천식, 장기창, 김대욱, 한아름, 박현진, 이종태, 심현정, 최진국, 최명구
- Recent changes in climate and the increase in the frequency of extreme weather events have posed significant challenges to wheat production. To …
- Recent changes in climate and the increase in the frequency of extreme weather events have posed significant challenges to wheat production. To ensure stable wheat yields, there is an urgent need to develop suitable wheat varieties and enhance cultivation practices. In this study, we analyzed the changes in agronomic traits of wheat over the past decade (2015-2024) across six regions in South Korea with respect to climate change. Over the course of climate normal period, there has been an increase in the overall average temperature during the wheat-growing season in South Korea, with a particularly significant rise in temperatures occurring during the tillering stage (February to March) and the maturing stage (May). In response to changing climatic conditions, there have been increases in the rates of vegetative and reproductive growth in wheat, leading to an early heading date and an increase in the number of flowers per spike. These trends are explained through correlations between climatic factors and growth parameters. Notably, there was a negative correlation between the heading date and the maturation period. While the shortened growing period due to accelerated growth is favorable for double-cropping in South Korea, earlier spike development could expose wheat to low-temperature damage. Therefore, further research is necessary to optimize the sowing dates for safe overwintering and for developing efficient fertilization methods that are compatible with the accelerated growth rates. In terms of breeding, developing varieties with improved freezing and cold tolerance can enhance stability against low temperatures. - COLLAPSE
Changes in the Agronomic Traits of Wheat in Response to Climate Change in South Korea
Genome-Wide Association Studies for Drought Tolerance in Wheat Core Collection by Chlorophyll Measurement during Tillering and Ripening Stages
유묘기와 성숙기의 엽록소 측정을 이용한 밀 핵심집단의 가뭄 스트레스 관련 전장유전체 분석
Kyoung Do Min, Jin-Woong Cho, Jae Yoon Kim
민경도, 조진웅, 김재윤
- Wheat (Triticum aestivum) ranks as one of the top three global food crops and the second-most consumed cereal in Korea …
- Wheat (Triticum aestivum) ranks as one of the top three global food crops and the second-most consumed cereal in Korea following rice. However, Korea continues to face challenges in achieving self-sufficiency due to extremely low production levels of wheat. Drought represents the primary environmental challenge, severely impacting wheat cultivation efficiency and productivity. In this study, drought treatment was performed on all accessions (567 in the core collection) during the tillering and ripening stages to obtain the phenotypic data and select single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with drought stress-related genes along with genotypic data generated from the BreedWheat 35K SNP chip. Among the models used for the genome-wide association study (GWAS), Fixed and Random Model Circulating Probability Unification (FarmCPU) and Bayesian-information and Linkage-disequilibrium Iteratively Nested Keyway (BLINK) exhibited excellent false-positive discrimination and detected nine significant SNPs identified in chromosome 1A, 1B, 5B, 5D, and 7D, including AX-95204454, AX-95238538, AX-95260370, AX-95139321, and AX-94434693 during the ripening stage. Candidate genes for drought tolerance were explored using the seven detected SNPs, where three genes, glutamate F-box domain, and aldehyde oxygenase were finally selected. In addition, AX-94434693, AX-95238538, and AX-95204454 exhibited significant phenotypic differences depending on the genotype among the SNPs, indicating its potential as a marker for utilization. - COLLAPSE
Genome-Wide Association Studies for Drought Tolerance in Wheat Core Collection by Chlorophyll Measurement during Tillering and Ripening Stages
Evaluation of the Adaptability of Seven Triticale Cultivars through Overwintering Rate in the High-Latitude Regions of Korea
월동률에 기반한 트리티케일 일곱 품종의 국내 고위도 지역 적응성 평가
Won Nyoung Yang, Bo Hwan Kim, Hyeok Kwon, Si Ju Kim, Wook Kim
양원녕, 김보환, 권혁, 김시주, 김욱
- This study aims to investigate the adaptability of domestic triticale in high-altitude regions. Seven cultivars: Gwangyoung (GY), Minpung (MP), Saeyoung (SeY), Shinseong …
- This study aims to investigate the adaptability of domestic triticale in high-altitude regions. Seven cultivars: Gwangyoung (GY), Minpung (MP), Saeyoung (SeY), Shinseong (SS), Shinyoung (SiY), Joseong (JS), and Choyoung (CY), were planted across five regions, Pocheon (PoC), Gapyeong (GP), Hwacheon (HC), Inje (IJ), and Pyeongchang (PyC) thrice, from 16 to 18 September 2020 (1st planting, 1P), 5 to 6 October 2020 (2nd planting, 2P) and 20 to 22 October 2020 (3rd planting, 3P). After planting, Overwintering rate (OR) was measured by recording the number of plants that emerged before and after winter for each cultivar. The OR, according to planting times in each region, was highest in the following order: in PoC, 3P > 2P > 1P; in GP, 3P > 1P > 2P; in HC, 3P > 2P > 1P; in IJ, 2P > 1P > 3P; and in PyC, 2P > 1P > 3P. By cultivar, OR for 1P was highest in the order of MP, GY, SeY, SiY, CY, JS, and SS; OR for 2P was GY, MP, SiY, SeY, SS, JS, and CY; OR for 3P was GY, SeY, MP, SiY, SS, JS, and CY. In the comparison of overwintering rate between regions by Spearman’s rank correlation, PoC, GP, HC three regions demonstrated similar tendency, PoC and PyC showed similar tendency, and IJ and PyC demonstrated similar tendency. Thus, mid-October is the optimal planting period for triticale in PoC, GP, and HC; whereas, early October in IJ and PyC, with GY, MP, and SeY being the most suitable cultivars for the regions. The study focuses on the ongoing investigation of growth characteristics associated with yield and forage quality by planting GY, MP, and SeY at PoC, GP, and HC. - COLLAPSE
Evaluation of the Adaptability of Seven Triticale Cultivars through Overwintering Rate in the High-Latitude Regions of Korea
Physicochemical Changes in Corn Kernels Across Cultivars Grown in Paddy and Upland Fields
논과 밭에서 재배한 곡실용 옥수수 종실의 이화학적 특성 변화
Mihyang Kim, Hyun-Joo Kim, Jin-Seok Lee, Daewoo Lee, Seuk Ki Lee, Yu-Young Lee, Jin Young Lee, Narae Han, Moon Seok Kang
김미향, 김현주, 이진석, 이대우, 이석기, 이유영, 이진영, 한나래, 강문석
- This study analyzed the general composition, color, and starch properties of corn kernels cultivated in paddy and upland fields. The analysis of …
- This study analyzed the general composition, color, and starch properties of corn kernels cultivated in paddy and upland fields. The analysis of general composition revealed that crude fat content was higher in the control cultivar ‘Kwangpyeongok’ cultivated in paddy and upland fields, with values of 5.28% and 6.02%, respectively. ‘Pyeonganok’ cultivated in paddy and upland fields showed the highest crude protein values of 12.08% and 12.30%, respectively. ‘Kwangpyeonok’ exhibited higher red and yellow values than the samples cultivated in the upland field. The yellowness value of ‘Pyeonganok’ obtained from the samples cultivated in the paddy field was the highest. Based on the analysis of starch characteristics, the samples cultivated in the paddy field tended to have higher amylose and estimated glycemic index values. However, the samples cultivated in the upland field tended to be higher in terms of gelatinization enthalpy. The results showed that ‘Pyeonganok’ tended to have higher protein content, yellowness, and estimated glycemic index than the other cultivars. However, based on these results, continuous monitoring of the physicochemical characteristics of maize according to cultivation conditions and environment is required to utilize paddy and field-cultivated corn kernels as industrial materials. - COLLAPSE
Physicochemical Changes in Corn Kernels Across Cultivars Grown in Paddy and Upland Fields
Growth Response to Soil Physical Properties and Flooding During Silage Corn Paddy Cultivation
사일리지 옥수수 논 재배 시 토양 물리성 및 침수에 의한 생장반응
Jinseok Lee, Dae-Woo Lee, Bo-Seong Seo, In-Jeong Kang, Jung-Wook Yang, Eun Young Kim, Kang-Su Kwak, Yul-Ho Kim
이진석, 이대우, 서보성, 강인정, 양정욱, 김은영, 곽강수, 김율호
- The aim of this study was to investigate the response in growth and development when silage corn hybrid is grown in paddy …
- The aim of this study was to investigate the response in growth and development when silage corn hybrid is grown in paddy fields compared to when it is grown in upland fields. Days to silking of silage corn hybrids cultivated in paddy fields was delayed by 8–10 days compared to those of upland fields in 2020-2021. The differences in growth and development in soil physical properties and flooding were investigated using paddy rice and horticultural bed soils to investigate the cause of the delay of flowering time in silage corn hybrids cultivated in paddy fields. When silage corn hybrid was cultivated in paddy rice bed soil with poor soil physical properties, the plant height, leaf development, and days to silking were delayed, and the underground dry weight after harvest decreased by 54%. When it cultivated in horticultural bed soil with good soil physical properties was flooded, the plant height, stem shape, and leaf development were delayed, and senescence began earlier than non-flooded corn hybrid. The growth delay and leaf senescence of silage corn hybrid by flooding increased as the flooding period increased, and the aboveground and underground dry weights of it flooded for 23 days decreased by 72.7% and 74.2%, respectively. When silage corn hybrid cultivated in paddy rice bed soil was flooded, the stem width, the number of green leaves, and aboveground dry weight significantly decreased in it flooded for more than 5 days, and the underground dry weight decreased significantly even after flooding for only 1 day. Therefore, drainage should be managed to prevent flooding, and water should be drained as quickly as possible when flooding occurs to stably cultivate silage corn hybrid in paddy fields. - COLLAPSE
Growth Response to Soil Physical Properties and Flooding During Silage Corn Paddy Cultivation
The Effects of Netting Treatment on Autumn -Sown Naked Oats (Avena sativa L.) in Cultivation-Limited Areas
재배한계지 쌀귀리 가을파종 시 방조망 피복처리 효과
Chang-Hyun Lee, Young-Mi Yoon, On-Sook Hur, Jin-Cheon Park
이창현, 윤영미, 허온숙, 박진천
- This study investigates the effects of bird netting treatment on autumn-sown naked oats (Avena sativa L.) in cultivation-limited areas over three …
- This study investigates the effects of bird netting treatment on autumn-sown naked oats (Avena sativa L.) in cultivation-limited areas over three years (2022-2024) in Jeonbuk Province, Korea. The research focuses on evaluating the thermal insulation effects of bird netting during the wintering period (late December to mid-February) and its impact on post-winter growth characteristics, agronomic traits, and yield. Naked oats were sown in late fall in upland fields by drill seeding in the Jeonbuk Wanju region and overwintered under microfiber bird netting (PE) treatment with 0, 1, or 2 layers applied to two oat varieties, ‘Joyang’ and ‘Daeyang’, respectively. The sowing amount was 19 kg per 10 a, with a standard fertilizer level of 7.2 kg (N-P-K=15-14-6) per 10 a. After wintering, we investigated the growth, agronomic, and yield characteristics of naked oats. Bird netting treatment increased minimum temperatures within the covered area, particularly from late December to mid-January, compared to untreated controls. Post-winter growth assessments indicated a reduction in the dead leaf ratio across both varieties under netting, with significant improvements in ‘Joyang’ and ‘Daeyang.’ Additionally, bird netting treatment advanced heading and maturity dates, with ‘Joyang’ and ‘Daeyang’ heading up to 5 days and maturing up to 12 days earlier under double-layer netting. Yield characteristics also improved, with a significant increase in the yield of ‘Joyang’ under double-layer netting, from 208 kg per 10 a (control) to 420 kg per 10 a. Although not statistically significant, ‘Daeyang’ showed a yield increase from 293 kg per 10 a (control) to 473 kg per 10 a under similar conditions. These findings suggest that bird netting treatment can effectively mitigate abnormal winter weather effects, enhance early growth stability by reducing plant mortality, and potentially prevent bird damage during the seedling stage. Consequently, bird netting may serve as a reliable production technology, contributing to the expansion of oat cultivation in marginal areas. - COLLAPSE
The Effects of Netting Treatment on Autumn -Sown Naked Oats (Avena sativa L.) in Cultivation-Limited Areas
Evaluation of Growth and Yield of Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) at Different Transplanting Dates under Low-Temperature Season in the Southern Region
남부지역에서 저온기에 고구마 정식시기별 생육 및 수량성 평가
Sang Sik Nam, Jonguk An, Kyo Hwui Lee, Mi Nam Chung, Tae Hwa Kim, Hyeong-Un Lee, Won Park
남상식, 안종욱, 이교휘, 정미남, 김태화, 이형운, 박원
- Low temperature significantly affects the growth and yield of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.); however, limited research has quantified its impact. This …
- Low temperature significantly affects the growth and yield of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.); however, limited research has quantified its impact. This study evaluated the growth and yield of three sweetpotato varieties (‘Sodammi’, ‘Hopungmi’, and ‘Jinyulmi’) under different transplanting dates in a 2-year field trial (2023 and 2024) in Muan, Jeollanam-do. Transplanting dates ranged from April 1 to 20. Soil temperatures in 2024 were 1.6–2.5 °C higher than in 2023, promoting early growth. The number of adventitious roots 10 days after transplanting increased significantly for later transplanting dates (April 15) across all varieties. ‘Sodammi’ showed differences in storage root dry matter, whereas ‘Hopungmi’ and ‘Jinyulmi’ did not. Yield varied by year, with ‘Sodammi’ performing the best in 2023 with up to 1,877 kg/10a. ‘Hopungmi’ saw a significant increase in yield in 2024. ‘Jinyulmi’ produced consistent yields across both years, with the highest yield in 2024 (2,720 kg/10a) when transplanted on April 15. This study highlights the importance of optimizing transplanting dates for sweetpotato cultivation in low-temperature conditions. - COLLAPSE
Evaluation of Growth and Yield of Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) at Different Transplanting Dates under Low-Temperature Season in the Southern Region
Effects of Low Temperature on the Growth and Physiological Response of Cut-Sprouts of Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.)
고구마 묘 정식 후 저온이 뿌리, 지상부 생장 및 생리적 반응에 미치는 영향
Won Park, Tae Hwa Kim, Kyo Hwui Lee, Jonguk An, Mi Nam Chung, Hyeong-Un Lee, Sang Sik Nam
박원, 김태화, 이교휘, 안종욱, 정미남, 이형운, 남상식
- Sweetpotato, a tropical crop, is highly sensitive to low temperatures during its critical growth stages, such as storage root formation and swelling, …
- Sweetpotato, a tropical crop, is highly sensitive to low temperatures during its critical growth stages, such as storage root formation and swelling, which impact final yields. In this study, the growth and physiological responses of three sweetpotato cultivars (‘Sodammi’, ‘Hopungmi’, and ‘Jinyulmi’) under cold stress. Three-node cut-sprouts were grown in growth chambers at 17/13°C, 19/15°C, or 21/17°C (day/night) for 35 days. Root formation was significantly reduced at 17/13°C in all cultivars, particularly in ‘Sodammi’, which showed a 77% reduction after 5 weeks. ‘Hopungmi’ and ‘Jinyulmi’ showed root formation reductions of 49% and 58%, respectively. With decrease in the temperature, the antioxidative (DPPH radical scavenging) activity increased by 24% in ‘Hopungmi’ and 7% in ‘Jinyulmi’, whereas that of ‘Sodammi’ showed no change. With lower temperatures, the polyphenol and flavonoid contents increased in ‘Hopungmi’ and ‘Jinyulmi’ but decreased in ‘Sodammi’. The chlorophyll content decreased with decrease in the temperature, with ‘Sodammi’ showing the largest reduction. These results suggest that ‘Hopungmi’ and ‘Jinyulmi’ have greater tolerance to low temperature conditions compared with ‘Sodammi’. - COLLAPSE
Effects of Low Temperature on the Growth and Physiological Response of Cut-Sprouts of Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.)
Production by Size of Basic Seed Potato (G0) derived from in vitro Seedlings Using the Temporary Immersion Bioreactor System (TIS)
간헐적 액체배양(TIS)에 의한 배양묘 유래 기본종(G0) 씨감자의 크기별 생산성
영문이름 영문성, 영문이름 영문성, 영문이름 영문성, 영문이름 영문성, 영문이름 영문성
임정현, 황숙현, 김민정, 이영순, 심창기
- The process of distributing disease-free seed potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) propagated by vegetative propagation in Korea consist of five stages, including …
- The process of distributing disease-free seed potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) propagated by vegetative propagation in Korea consist of five stages, including a tissue culture stage. The temporary immersion bioreactor system (TIS) is emerging as an effective alternative for the mass propagation of disease-free seedlings and is being utilized for seed production across various plant species, including trees. To shorten the production period of seed potatoes for the ‘Sumi’ and ‘Chubaek’ cultivars, potato seedlings cultured in a 3 L bioreactor were used directly for basic seed potato (G0) production without an acclimatization process. The harvested tubers were classified by size as S-G0-L (>4 cm), S-G0-M (2-3.9 cm), and S-G0-S (<2 cm) for ‘Sumi’, and C-G0-L (2.2-3 cm), C-G0-M (1.5-2.1 cm), and C-G0-S (<1.5 cm) for ‘Chubaek’ and were compared for the growth of the next generation (G1) growth. As a result, for both varieties, basic seed potatoes classified as large (S-G0-L, C-G0-L) and medium (S-G0-M, C-G0-M) produced seed tubers(G1) with an average tuber weight exceeding 140 g. Basic seed potatoes classified as small size(G0-S) also produced seed potatoes (G1) with an average tuber weight of more than 110 g, which was within the standard range of 30 to 120 g for seed potatoes (Kang et al., 2001). However, they showed a tendency for uneven initial growth and high variability in tuber size distribution. In conclusion, the mass production of seedlings through temporary immersion culture (TIS) can be directly applied to the production of basic seed potatoes (G0), which may shorten the seed potato production cycle and improve the availability of healthy seed potatoes closer to G0 for farmers. - COLLAPSE
Production by Size of Basic Seed Potato (G0) derived from in vitro Seedlings Using the Temporary Immersion Bioreactor System (TIS)
Determining the Optimal Transplanting Time for Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Cultivars in Jeolla Province through Evaluation of Growth, Yield, and Economic Feasibility
고구마(Ipomoea batatas L.) 품종의 생육, 수량 및 경제성 평가를 통한 전남 지역 최적 삽식시기 설정
Yeon-Hu Woo, Hyun-Hwa Park, Yong-In Kuk
우연후, 박현화, 국용인
- This study evaluated the impact of transplanting time on the growth, yield, and economic viability of sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) in …
- This study evaluated the impact of transplanting time on the growth, yield, and economic viability of sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) in Suncheon, South Jeolla Province. In 2023 and 2024, three sweetpotato varieties (Sodammi, Jinyulmi, and Hopungmi) with distinct characteristics were analyzed across four transplanting periods (early April, mid-April, early May, and mid-May) to evaluate growth patterns, yield, quality, and economic feasibility. The findings revealed that transplanting time significantly influenced early growth, photosynthetic efficiency, yield, and economic returns. Early April transplanting led to delayed initial growth and reduced yields due to low temperatures, while mid-April to early May transplanting generally showed stable growth and yields. Mid-May transplanting produced varied results depending on the variety. Economic analysis indicated that optimal transplanting times differed by variety. Sodammi and Jinyulmi performed best when transplanted from mid-April to early May, while Hopungmi maintained high profitability across all transplanting periods. However, considering climate variability and yield stability, mid-April to early May transplanting demonstrated the most consistent yields and highest economic returns overall. The results of this study provide valuable information for developing efficient sweetpotato cultivation methods that account for regional characteristics and climate change in Suncheon, South Jeolla Province. - COLLAPSE
Determining the Optimal Transplanting Time for Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Cultivars in Jeolla Province through Evaluation of Growth, Yield, and Economic Feasibility
Analysis of Potato Growth and Yield Changes under Rising Temperature Conditions
기온상승에 따른 감자 생육 및 수량 변화 분석
In-ha Lee, Wan-Gyu Sang, Dong-won Kwon, Sung-yul Chang, Woo-jin Im, Hyeok-jin Bak, Ji-hyeon Lee, Do-Hyun Kim, Nam-Jin Chung, Woon-Ha Hwang
이인하, 상완규, 권동원, 장성율, 임우진, 박혁진, 이지현, 김도현, 정남진, 황운하
- Climate change has led to an increase in temperature over recent years. These changes promote early growth in potato, but may lead …
- Climate change has led to an increase in temperature over recent years. These changes promote early growth in potato, but may lead to reduced growth and yield in later stages. Therefore, an experiment in a temperature gradient house was conducted to evaluate the effects of temperature on potato growth and yield. The results showed that the growth and SPAD values for the Sumi variety decreased when the temperature rose by 1.6°C, whereas growth showed a positive relationship with high temperatures for variety Jopung and its SPAD value were consistently lower than the control at high temperature. Sumi yield decreased when the temperature rose by 2.4°C, while Jopung yield showed no significant trends when the temperature increase was below 3.5°C. There was no difference in NDVI values between the two varieties. Sumi PRI values decreased when the temperature rise was 1.6°C and its CWSI values remained high regardless of temperature, whereas there was no difference in the PRI values among the temperature treatments for Jopung and its CWSI values increased with temperature. Overall, the results showed that Sumi was more affected by high temperature than Jopung. Comparisons with the responses shown for the treatment where there was no temperature difference between inside and outside confirmed that the PRI values showed a similar trend to growth and yield. - COLLAPSE
Analysis of Potato Growth and Yield Changes under Rising Temperature Conditions
Supercomputer-based Large-Scale Ultra-High-Speed Genotyping of Crop Genomes
농촌진흥청 슈퍼컴퓨터 기반 대량 작물 유전형 초고속 분석
Tae-Ho Lee, Jinhyun Kim, Yumi Kim, Hye-Jin Lee
이태호, 김진현, 김유미, 이혜진
- By securing genomic data from large-scale resources, we can better understand genetic diversity, identify genes associated with useful traits, and establish a …
- By securing genomic data from large-scale resources, we can better understand genetic diversity, identify genes associated with useful traits, and establish a foundation for developing improved crop varieties. However, the genotypic analysis of large-scale whole-genome resequencing data using conventional computing systems is considerably time-consuming, hence limiting the technology. To address this challenge, we utilized the Rural Development Administration (RDA)’s supercomputer system to perform the ultra-high-speed analysis of large-scale genomic variations for 849 pepper resources of approximately 3 Gbp genome sizes. On the basis of the domestically sequenced Capsicum annuum CM334 reference genome, we identified a total of 625 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) via the GATK pipeline and completed the entire analysis in 6.7 days using 363 terabytes of storage space. The analysis results confirmed that 779 out of 849 resources possessed at least one resource-specific SNP. This suggests that most resources have unique genetic characteristics, and such genetic diversity is expected to contribute significantly to the future development of pepper varieties. The supercomputer-based ultra-high-speed genotypic analysis technology and comprehensive pepper genome variation dataset secured through this study will be made publicly available through the RDA’s Agricultural Bioinformatics Supercomputing Center and the National Agricultural Biotechnology Information Center (NABIC), respectively, serving as valuable public resources for crop research and variety development. - COLLAPSE
Supercomputer-based Large-Scale Ultra-High-Speed Genotyping of Crop Genomes
Selection of a Profitable Cropping System and its Cultivar Set Adapted to the Central-Northern Region of Korea for Responding to Climate Change
기후변화 대응 중북부지역 적응 소득형 작부모형 및 품종 선정
Myoung Ryoul Park, Jeongju Kim, Areum Han, Chaewon Lee, Weon-Tai Jeon
박명렬, 김정주, 한아름, 이채원, 전원태
- This study was conducted to develop a profitable cropping system and suitable cultivars adapted to the central-northern region of South Korea. To …
- This study was conducted to develop a profitable cropping system and suitable cultivars adapted to the central-northern region of South Korea. To establish a cropping system composed of a specific set of food crops, three types of cropping systems, including cropping system I comprising potato-sorghum, cropping system II comprising maize-sesame, and cropping system III comprising sesame-sesame, were evaluated in Yeoncheon in the central-northern region of Korea from 2020 to 2021. The crop productivity and income of the cropping systems were analyzed to select a profitable cropping system, and the profitable cropping system and its cultivar set were verified in the field. Cropping System I was more profitable than were the other systems, regardless of the order of sowing (transplantation). The net income according to the order of sowing (transplanting) of cropping system I was as follows: the 1st (potato 3.20 and sorghum 6.30) was 3,620,000 won per 10a; the 2nd (potato 3.30 and sorghum 7.10) was 2,560,000 won per 10a; the 3rd (potato 4.10 and sorghum 7.20) was 2,193,000 won per 10a. However, in terms of net income, the 1st sowing order of cropping system I was selected as the most profitable cropping system in the central-northern region. To identify a cultivar set for the selected profitable system, three cultivars of each crop were evaluated over three years (2022–2024). In terms of growth characteristics and productivity, Jopung and Haichal were selected as suitable cultivars for the selected cropping system. The selected system and cultivars grown in a farm field during a two year period (2023–2024) were stably profitable at over 9.6-fold higher than that of soybeans produced from single cropping. Taken together, the results of this study confirmed that the potato-sorghum cropping system contributes to increased productivity and farmer income in the central-northern region of South Korea. - COLLAPSE
Selection of a Profitable Cropping System and its Cultivar Set Adapted to the Central-Northern Region of Korea for Responding to Climate Change