Current Issue
2024 Vol.69, Issue 3
Changes in the Growth and Yield of Early-Growing Rice Varieties in Mid-Mountain Areas Based on Climate Change
기후변화에 따른 중산간지 조생종 벼 품종의 연도별 생육 및 수량성 변화
Jeong Ju Kim, Woo Jae Kim, Hyun Soo Park, Un Cheol Shin, Do Yeon Kwak, Jun Hyeon Cho
김정주, 김우재, 박현수, 신운철, 곽도연, 조준현
Changes in the Growth and Yield of Early-Growing Rice Varieties in Mid-Mountain Areas Based on Climate Change
Impact of Shading During Rooting Stage on Early Growth and High Temperature of Transplanted Rice
벼 이앙묘의 착근기 차광이 초기 생육과 고온에 미치는 영향
Min-Ji Lee, Nam-Jin Chung, Woon-Ha Hwang
이민지, 정남진, 황운하
Impact of Shading During Rooting Stage on Early Growth and High Temperature of Transplanted Rice
Evaluation of Planting Distance in Rice Paddies Using Deep Learning-Based Drone Imagery
딥 러닝 기반 드론 영상을 활용한 벼 포장의 재식거리 평가
Hyeok-jin Bak, Dongwon Kwon, Woo-jin Im, Ji-hyeon Lee, Eun-ji Kim, Nam-jin Chung, Jung-Il Cho, Woon-Ha Hwang, Jae-Ki Chnag, Wan-Gyu Sang
박혁진, 권동원, 임우진, 이지현, 김은지, 정남진, 조정일, 황운하, 장재기, 상완규
Evaluation of Planting Distance in Rice Paddies Using Deep Learning-Based Drone Imagery
Comparison of Agronomic Traits and Nutritional Characteristics of Colored Wheat Germplasm and Domestic Wheat Cultivars
유색 밀 유전자원의 국내 품종 대비 농업형질 및 영양학적 특성 비교
Hyeonjin Park, Jin-Kyung Cha, So-Myeong Lee, Youngho Kwon, Gi-Un Seong, Byong Jun Jin, Youngeun Lee, Jong-Hee Lee
박현진, 차진경, 이소명, 권영호, 성기운, 진병준, 이영은, 이종희
Comparison of Agronomic Traits and Nutritional Characteristics of Colored Wheat Germplasm and Domestic Wheat Cultivars
Effects of Biodegradable Mulching Films on Maize Growth, Yield, and Soil Environment Auto-comp
생분해성 멀칭필름 종류별 옥수수 생육과 수량 및 토양환경에 미치는 영향
Hyun-Hwa Park, Ye-Guon Kim, Yeon-Hu Woo, Do-Jin Lee, Yong-In Kuk
박현화, 김예건, 우연후, 이도진, 국용인
Effects of Biodegradable Mulching Films on Maize Growth, Yield, and Soil Environment Auto-comp
Plant Early Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Seven Varieties of Italian Ryegrass Under Various Salt Stress Conditions
다양한 염 스트레스 조건에서 이탈리안 라이그라스 7 품종의 초기 생장 및 엽록소 형광 반응
Ji-Hyeon Mun, In-Ha Lee, Ji-Young Shon, Nam-Jin Chung
문지현, 이인하, 손지영, 정남진
Plant Early Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Seven Varieties of Italian Ryegrass Under Various Salt Stress Conditions